We tried to answer “Speculative – Post-Design Practice or New Utopia?” question through a series of interviews with the authors of the presented works together with the prominent international practitioners in the filed of speculative design. We have also incorporated a discoursive view of the eminent experts in the field of speculative (and general contemporary) design practice.
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia & Croatian Designers Association
Ivica Mitrović & Oleg Šuran
Ivica Mitrović & Marko Golub
With participation of
James Auger, Nicolas Nova, Ma Ward, Ramia Mazé, Michael Smyth, Cameron Tonkinwise, Francisco Laranjo, Lina Kovačević, Robert Čanak, Anselmo Tumpić, Nikola Bojić, Damir Prizmić, Nina Bačun, Andreja Kulunčić, Silvio Vujičić, Demitrios Kargotis & Dash Macdonald, Tobias Revell, David Benqué, Anab Jain, Estelle Hary & Bastien Kerspern
respective authors & Robert Sošić, Ivo Martinović, Glorija Lizde, Darko Škrobonja, kontejner.org
English translation
Mirna Herman Baletić & Leo Štedul ( Jezični laboratorij d.o.o. )
Graphic design
Oleg Šuran
Print run
ISBN 978-953-6778-15-7
Speculative – Post-Design Practice or New Utopia?